Monday, August 22, 2011

Lazy Sunday...08/22/11...6am...60°...Sunshine

Can't believe Cienna and I stayed home all day yesterday, except for our morning walk... We all took a hand in fixing breakfast of sausage and hotcakes with huckleberries on top, Cienna's favorite...Then Herb vacuumed while I swept, mopped and cleaned kitchen and bathroom, did a load of laundry, then he hung out the clothes while I started water on the flower beds... Then we  relaxed on the deck and Cienna played with Ginger in the sprinkler, accidentally giving all of us an extra shower or two for the day...Very refreshing!..

Sweet Peas
As I made my rounds deadheading, I picked a bouquet of sweet peas...Neighbor Marsha had given me starts in early spring...Their lovely fragrance filled our house...Even though they are one of my favorites I haven't grown them for several years.

When I first started gardening, (nearly twenty years ago now) they were one of the first flowers that bloomed profusely on a south wall...I always planted them on Good Friday, no matter the weather, usually in a snow storm...They loved it there, grew to the eaves of the garage and produced endless blooms all season...I shared many bouquets with neighbors and friends...Next spring I will try planting them again... Thank you Marsha for the gift that lasts all summer!

By mid afternoon the heat drove us inside to the cool of our house where we played on the computer and read until dinner time...We had, fresh from the garden peas, carrots and potatoes in a light cream sauce along side a BBQ'd steak fresh from Herb's grill...waited until later for the last of the pie and ice cream.

Cienna and I played cards, caught up on scrabble, worked at Angry Birds, trying to get more three stars for Papa...Chatted with Bobi, then called it a day...On today's agenda is Soroptomists and maybe serving at the senior meal site...Must wake Cienna and get on with it, hugs to all~OWAV:)

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