Sunday, August 21, 2011

Ranch Rodeo...08/21/11...6am...58°...Sunshine

Saturday morning yard sales were first on our list...Herb had toast for break fast, Ci and I ate pie...With Papa driving, me riding shotgun and Cienna and Ginger in the backseat hanging on for dear life, we hit the dirt roads of Alder Slope, take in the view of the lower valley and find ourselves at the home of Connie and Jeff, friends from way back...We visit and shop their yard sale, books for Herb, then on to the next one, main highway, "Stoffel Brothers" local well drillers...more visiting, little buying...Back in Joseph last yard sale, day old, prices high...Walmart greeter was there, but didn't have any bargaining power... Cienna found an interesting book on dogs and we soon arrived home...I changed water, watered flower barrels on the deck, caught up on scrabble games and by 11:45 Cienna and I were on our way to the Ranch Rodeo.

The Ranch Rodeo is unlike other rodeo's as it features all the things that local cowboys do on any given day, such as roping, branding, penning and driving cattle, with help from their dogs... Also featured was a "rock jack" building contest...Six contestants, each started with a five foot tamarack log, using splitting malls and wedges, lots of muscle and sweat they soon had the log broken down into posts...The posts were them assembled, nailed together, and rocks were added to keep it in place...Fifteen points was awarded to the cowboy who finished first, when all were finished each rock jack was judged by "vintage" cowboys, grading them on looks and sturdiness for longevity...Little cowboys and cowgirls got into the act, they rode their stick horses, pulled the ribbon from a goats tail and galloped back to the starting line, as fast as little legs would carry them...Horse racing was also featured, as a fast horse with stamina and agility are a must for any cowboy or cowgirl!..Some four hours later, after sitting on hard bleachers Ci and I were ready to go home...It had been a fun day as we met Pat and Brian there, so Pat and I visited while Cienna (with her good ears) listened to the announcer and kept us informed of what was happening.

Back home I fixed zucchini patties for our dinner, then Ci and I delivered zucchini to Pat, visited, had a glass of bubbly, then back home where Papa fixed us pie ala mode to finish off the day...Forgot to mention, Ci and I split strawberry shortcake at the rodeo (it was so-so)... Guess we will have to call this the day of "just desserts"...Sorry no photo's, took the camera, just forgot to use it...~OWAV:)

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