Monday, August 11, 2014

Busy Weekend...52º

A smoky haze filled Wallowa valley Saturday morning before the annual fly-in at the Joseph Airport...It didn't stop people from coming to the event as they lined up, at the gate, hoping to be one of the lucky 25 people who would get a free flight...Herb and I arrived at 6:15am, car loaded with cinnamon rolls, ready to be heated...The pancake breakfast trailer was set up, tables ready...The smell of hot grills and sausages cooking, permeated the air...At 7am the gate opened and the fun began...The smoke lifted and people arrived steadily throughout the morning, some eating breakfast, others happy with just a cinnamon roll and coffee...A DC3 plane had flown in for the event and was on display, along with a Steerman, open cockpit biplane...Vintage cars were another attraction...The breakfast and the last cinnamon roll, all sold out before 11am...People were having a great time, we heard lots of good comments and plans are already under way to make next year even better...It was a very successful day!..(A side note here...We shared the airport complex with the fly-in on the south end and the Forest Service Helitac crew on the north end as they continued with fire suppression.)

Back home I fixed dinner and then joined old friends to wish Margaret Botts a happy 90th Birthday...Margarets 4 children hosted the event and friends and family came from far and near...Canopies and umbrellas provided shade for both people and the lovely food buffet...Margaret was my boss at the Joseph School cafeteria in 1977 and we have remained friends over the years...Ater raising a family and working at the school for 15 years she retired, then worked cooking in Alaska before joining the Peace Corp in 1984 and spent 3 years in Belize...Then returned to Wallowa County to be near family...A great lady and a special friend.

I was settled on the deck for the evening when Becky called asking us to a BBQ...We joined them for awhile just to visit and touch base as they are both leaving next week, John with his job and Becky with hers will be off to a training session.

We capped the evening off when other friends, Sharon and Gabby, stopped in and we visited on the deck...Didn't take me long to crash into bed that night...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Cinnamon rolls in front, breakfast line in back.

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