Second day of deck sitting, brace on, ice pack in place, crutch and reading material nearby, me giving orders, enjoying the view...Goes back to the saying be careful what you wish for...It is hard to keep my attention on the book when I know I should be weeding, watering and digging...But I'm determined to keep this knee resting so it can get well...Herb does the watering for me and the other things will wait.
Rusty arrived yesterday about noon, he is here to go on a Forest Service trip, horseback into the wilderness with John...Should be quite an experience.
Last night found us at Becky and John's again, with the guys BBQing, Becky dicing and slicing in the kitchen making salads and doing other prep work for the guys, Pam arrives with fresh fruit...Another campfire, another meal with friends, then home to an early bedtime...My knee is making progress, not nearly as painful when I put weight on it...So will continue another day of babying it and giving orders...Hugs to All...OWAV:)
You better get a septer and crown to go with that new throne you've ordered. =)