Thursday, February 28, 2013

Shopping Experience...42º

Warmer this morning and a high of 73 predicted today...Yesterday Herb wanted to check out a Sears store which houses the cellphone company Consumer Cellular (Oregon company that Bobi uses)...We are thinking about changing from landline to cell phones full time?..I googled Sears and found one in a HUGE mall near the Costco that we have been going to for several years...We have not been in this kind of Mall for many years and it so boggles my mind at the big stores, little stores, kiosks and all the merchandise they carry...Cosmetic's at the door for as far as I can see as I peer into Macy's...SCARY!.. Three doors to enter Victoria Secrets, I passed by...Chocolate stores, I looked...Food court upstairs, I craned my neck and caught sight of Cinnabon's but not the smell...I wandered the X Large ladies store and then in a very short time I passed several shoe stores...Out came my camera and this is what I saw, from the highest heels, (that I can't imagine walking on) to funky tennis shoes and shoes that I can wear such as Dansko's, Birkenstocks...I promised photo's, here they are, will try to get some of the pool and resort today....Hugs To All...OWAV:)

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