Sunday, December 14, 2014

Leaning Tree...25º

Yesterday was cold but with enough sun that much of the snow melted...John arrived late afternoon, armed with knowledge and tools to take care of our problem tree...He used the hand saw for delimbing before using the chain saw...Herb loaded branches to be hauled away and will finish the job today...A tall stump was left until later when we will decide whether to cut it ground level or try to pull it out as it is loose, but we don't want to disrupt the irrigation ditch...I hated to see it go as it sprouted from a seed many years ago and I kind of get attached to certain trees and this was one I liked.

While the guys were outside working on the tree, Pam and I were inside eating chocolates and drinking wine...Also eating crackers and cheese and having a very good visit...While I sauteed finger steaks, Pam made a salad for our dinner...It was a good day.

This morning my kitchen is a mess as visiting is more important than tidying up...Freshly dipped chocolates are waiting on cookie sheets to be put away or put into packages to go in the mail tomorrow...Must get busy...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

PS...Photos below I took yesterday...Top is lemon fondant (it is yellow but looks green (sorry)...ready to roll into balls before dipping...Next is orange fondant, rolled and ready to dip and the third photo shows chocolates with a smear of yellow chocolate on top to identify the lemon flavor...This is my first year doing the "smear" and I need a lot more practice!

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