Thursday, December 11, 2014

Warm December...50º WINDY

The wind only calms down for a few minutes, then starts in again gusty and strong...Supposed to continue throughout the day...Herb got a load of wood from the log deck yesterday, now it needs to be split and stacked, will wait for a calm day...Just talked to Rusty via FaceTime, he plans to come home after the new year...Two packages to go in the mail...Fondant better turn out good today!

I booked tickets for the Elgin Opera House Christmas Musical...Not on Christmas day this year so we opted for the Saturday before Christmas...It is a fun production of several Christmas stories...Will for sure be entertaining.

Dinner yesterday I finally thawed out the flank steak from two years ago, not knowing what to do with it, is why it was still in the freezer...I seasoned it with salt, pepper, garlic, left it folded over, browned on both sides in the dutch oven, covered it loosely with foil and put the lid on...Into a 200º oven...Started to smell good about 2hours later so took a peak, sliced off a thin slice and wow it was good...Cooked up a batch of rice pilaf, sliced the flank steak, added a little water to the drippings and drizzled them over the steak....Herb and I just about foundered, not much leftover...Maybe fried rice and beef stir fry for dinner today...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

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