Saturday, December 6, 2014


Chief Joseph Mountain in winter.

Weekends/weekdays all run together when one is retired...They can be separted by events, which there are many of in our small town...Christmas Bazaars, Parades, open houses, late night shopping, music programs, ski swaps and book sales are planned for the weekends...People from LaGrande sign up and pay for a bus trip to visit Wallowa County on a Saturday in December, so they can leave the winter driving to someone else and visit all of our little specialty shops, have lunch and enjoy a day of Christmas shopping while viewing our beautiful scenery.

We (Wallowa Countians) on the other hand, brave the weather and the roads, as we drive to LaGrande or Lewiston for a different kind of shopping...We join the crowds at super stores/big box stores to finish our Christmas list...I have to qualify this as We (Herb and I) mostly know that this unfolds by what we read in the paper, see on FaceBook or happen to hear through the grapevine...We have our Christmas shopping done, wrote one check in November, told the kids it was wrapped and ready, come and get it...Now we all have beef in our freezer for another year or maybe two...Christmas taken care of.

Yes I'm making chocolates and will probably get a package in the mail this coming week so "the kids" can savor a childhood memory at Christmas time... Next spring/summer when the weather is warm, roads are good, we will plan our own celebration, no tree necessary, no last minute shopping, no oh s--t I forgot to to buy----NO buying, just our usual cooking, playing cards, doing puzzles, laughing, loving, driving each other crazy until we part ways, back to our own homes, own routine, until next time...Now I better get dressed and finish those chocolates as there is only 19 shopping days until Christmas...Maybe we should do a little decorating and get a newsletter done?...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

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