Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Looking for Rain...46º

I spent several hours outside yesterday, temperature was perfect for planting and digging...Our neighbor shared the last of his onion sets with us, he said, "They are good keepers, do you have room?"..I said, "Of course, always room for more onions."...Now i'm scratching my head, because i've already planted 60 WW Sweets (mostly used for scallions this summer), and I have 120 Candy onions waiting to be planted...I'm thinking we will have a garlic/onion garden this year...I planted 30 "Patterson" onions and 30 Candy onions yesterday, only 90 more to go...LOL

Now onto the surplus of daffodils...I dug one humongous batch that has taken over a garden path, there was easily 75 bulbs...I leave the blooms and leaves on for now and put them in a shaded place until I have energy enough to dig and plant...I put no less that 5 bulbs in each new hole...I plant these very simple, push the shovel in ground, lean back on it, wiggle it around, until I can shove 5 bulbs in behind and under the shovel...Pull shovel out, leaving, greenery sticking out and walk all over it!..Hugs To  All...OWAV:)

Grape Hyacinths are waiting 
to be dug and separated.
They are free for 
the asking.

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