Sunday, January 9, 2011

Oma With a View 01-09-11 5am

Up early again, have scrabble games all caught up, finished my first cup of coffee. Again we didn't get snow overnight, only another covering of frost. The frost sparkles like millions of diamonds, when I turn on an outside light. It's going to be another beautiful day.

The upcoming "Big Read" has Wallowa County in its grips for the 5th year.  The chosen book for this year is "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain.  One most of us read as children and now will reread as an adult.  I'm on chapter 6, enjoyed the first 3 chapters with the famous episode, where Tom tricks all of his friends into whitewashing the fence, while he collects all sorts of treasures from them.  He lounging about while they do all the work.  I found the next two chapters a little slow, maybe I was just tired.  I'll push on.

The "Big Read" started in Wallowa County 4 years ago when the local Fishtrap organization applied for and received a grant to fund it the first year.  We read "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury.  Followed by "The Grapes of Wrath", by John Steinbeck, "Kaffir Boy" by Mark Mathabane, then "To Kill a Mocking Bird" by Harper Lee.  The entire Wallowa County takes part in this event, from school children to our senior citizens.  Not only do we read, but we hear guest speakers, watch movies, have book discussion, cooking classes and immerse ourselves into the entire literary event.  It certainly makes the months of January and February fly by.  See you tonight at 7:00 for the "Kickoff"


  1. 5:00am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Really???? I new you got up early, but I thought it was 6:00am, not 5:00. Thats Papas job.
    This is Ci

  2. Thank you Ci for following my blog. Sometimes I get up at 4am, to enjoy the quiet and do my profound thinking.-lol
    Hugs, Oma
