Saturday, January 15, 2011

Oma With a View 01-15-11 5am 30° Breezy

"It's mornin time, I waked up"  A quote from Cienna, as a two year old.  I can see her now,  sitting on the stairway, peeking at me through the railing, having just woke up and started downstairs.  With hair standing on end, a lilt in her voice and a smile on her face she was ready for another day in Joseph, with Oma and Papa.  We have been blessed with her visits for almost thirteen years now.  Her parents have been very generous, since she was "a wee one", letting her come stay with us.  She loved coming here, spending one to three weeks at a time.  Never showing any signs of being homesick, but was always ready to go home when the time came.  Now as she approaches the teen years, we will probably have less or shorter visits as her schedule changes and her activities increase.  We will accept and savor whatever time we get.  (Yes, Bob, tears are streaming down my face).

Back to the present..Nothing pressing going on here today...So you will just have to listen to my ramblings...I suppose I may have to resort to doing housework, my least favorite thing.  Over the years my "wants" have change dramatically.  I remember at one time I thought the ultimate would be the luxury of having my hair "done" every week.  Then I guess it was having a week away from kids, worries and stress of everyday life.  Now how nice it would be to have someone instead of me, cleaning dust laden corners, mopping floors and scrubbing toilets and showers.  I'll start looking for someone as soon as I get the house cleaned so no one will know how bad it really is.

Herb just ask if I wanted bacon and eggs for breakfast, sounds good to me.  Think we will have toasted tuna sandwiches for dinner today and turkey and dressing for dinner tomorrow.  Which reminds me we have to get turkeys and deer meat out of the freezer to thaw so we can start a canning marathon.  I also have to do a canner of chile to go on the cellar shelves.  The "things" my mother taught me.

Walked on the Joseph Schools track yesterday, twice around, about 1/2 mile.  Have to start moving again so I can keep up with Pat and not be in excruciating pain again.

Looks like it is time for me to start moving, Ruby Peak is tipped with a rosy pink glow.  The day is wasting.  Until tomorrow owav :)

1 comment:

  1. Mine, too! I remember her flying off the porch into my arms almost before the car was turned off, when I would come to take her home; how she would sit in my lap, clinging like a monkey to a tree......

    On a blog note, I liked the other format better, with the links on the side to older posts and followers. With this one I have to open my browser window almost as wide as it will go to read what you've written. Just and asthetic thing mostly.
