Thursday, February 7, 2013


A hectic day yesterday as Herb dropped me off at the dentist on his way to have the tires changed...The dentist was running behind so after the hygienist was done with me they ask if I had errands to do and could I come back in a half hour or I could reschedule...A quick trip to the grocery store, back to the dentist and home in time to put groceries away, a quick lunch and I picked Marsha up to go play cards...An enjoyable afternoon, although a little too long for my liking, we finally finished two games in 5 hours...We are usually home before dark...Now driving in the dark we were less than a mile from home when a deer made a mad dash across the road colliding with my cars left front corner...No way to avoid that collision...I braked to a stop, put the flashers on, air bags did not deploy and neither Marsha nor I were hurt...The deer lay dead along side the road.

Now I did this same thing four years ago, different car, different deer...But the same song and dance will have to be repeated...Talk to the insurance people, wait for the adjuster, make an appointment with the body shop because I must have new lights installed on the left side, before we leave for Arizona later this month...Body work might have to wait until we get back home...Certainly takes my mind off of the other more mundane things like will any of my summer clothes fit or do I need to go shopping?... Shopping used to be fun but now I would rather go to the dentist, which reminds me the dentist said I better be thinking about replacing a crown that is cracked...$$$$ signs, new crown, insurance deductible, new clothes, might have to float a loan. :).....Hugs to All...OWAV:)

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there...... all this brain activiry is keeping you sharp!!!!
