Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Snowy and Cold...Burrrrrrr 4º

For the past two days it has snowed 3 to 4 inches and the temperature has plummeted...Supposed to be sunny today and drop below 0º tonight...Winter is moving in...Yesterdays report from LaGrande had the freeway closed early to the east and later closed both east and west for several hours...Sure glad it waited until our "kids" and other holiday travelers arrived home.

I ventured out yesterday first to write people where we had a quiet gathering of four, reading, discussing and catching up on Holiday news...Then home for lunch and a phone visit with Pat, catching up on their news at "Applewood Farm"...An afternoon acupuncture appointment with Amy, short stop at Soroptomists and back to Barton Heights and our warm, cozy house to read and "compute" until bedtime...I slept nine hours last night!..Amy must have gotten all those needles in the right spots.

Herb has been busy with laundry and vacuuming, putting our house back in order...The rest of the week I have to concentrate on my essay for Katey, taking a break today to stuff envelopes at FishTrap House and on Friday I help set up for the "Good Book" sale at the Josephy Center...Oh yes, and maybe listen to a couple of chapters of that book hiding in my iPhone...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

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