Sunday, August 12, 2012


Yesterday morning Rusty left early for a "shooting match" with John...They competed with other guys and John brought home another BLUE Ribbon...Sounded like they had a good time with friendly competition, a covered shelter and solid rests to shoot from...Herb changed and set water while I went to Adelhardts for a much needed shower...Dusty took Saturday off but plans to be here today?

Back home Herb had jelly jars in the dishwasher, and rhubarb ready to go through the cusinart...I grated orange peel, juiced two oranges, got out the BIG kettle, put jars and lids in the oven to heat and started cooking rhubarb...After the rhubarb softened I added pectin and sugar, boiled it for 3 minutes and filled 2 pints and 12 1/2 pints of yummy jam(recipe from friend Marsha)...Today we will do this process all over again only instead of using orange I will chop up maraschino cherries, along with their juice and  add it to the rhubarb...This an old recipe from my Aunt Carrie that I loved as a teenager and now it is a favorite in our family, even for people who don't like rhubarb...Ci really likes it.

Now it was time to get off my feet (knee)...Herb had ice in the "Ice Man" a wonderful contraption that when in place supplies a continual stream of icy water (50º) flowing over an injury...I got situated in the lounge chair on the front porch, an ace bandage holding everything in place, surrounded by blooming geraniums, laptop on my lap and then I relax as the icy water does its magic and alleviates the pain and swelling.

A dinner of leftovers, then Rusty leaves for B & J's and Herb and I spend the afternoon either on the deck or front porch, a captive audience as the "Bronze, Blues and Brews" wails away below our house in the City Park...I enjoyed the 2nd band but the rest of it is reminiscent of when my high school band did their warmup each day as we gathered for band class, with no one playing the same song just blowing horns and beating on drums until our instructor stepped onto the podium and we immediately came to attention for the days class...Now people throng to the "B, B & B", shell out over $20.00 a ticket to get in the gate and listen to the deafening, cacophony of so called music, while drinking and dancing...I go to bed at 9pm and the noise ends at 10pm, whew it's over for another year!..Hugs to All...OWAV:)

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