Sunday, May 19, 2013

More Rain...43º

After several yard sales, Pat and Angie got some good buys and I came home with a tupperware container (the kind that fits in my pantry) and an oval cooling rack...It was time to start mixing dinner rolls for Becky's party and a lemon pudding cake that tastes kind of like lemon pie but will hold candles and goes well with ice cream...Herb was home from mowing Pam's lawn and a trip to the dump...We had a big breakfast of ham, eggs and toast because it would be many hours before eating again at John and Becky's.

Becky's party was wild and fun with all of the immediate Frolander clan, Hollenbeak clan, Herb and I and B & J's next door neighbors...Food including asparagus, mushrooms and a fresh veggie tray for appetizers...Tri tip (done to perfection by John on his Traeger grill) cheesy baked potatoes, 3 kinds of salads, rolls, cake and ice-cream...Weather was nice late afternoon but turned cold and breezy by 6pm, some hardy souls sat around the bonfire to eat while the rest of us opted for the house warmed with a fire in the wood stove...Herb and I lasted until nearly 9pm then home to our own warm, cozy house and in bed shortly thereafter.

It is cloudy and cool this morning, Herb will dry laundry in the basement and I'm hoping for a little sunshine and time outside to do some deadheading this afternoon...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for coming to my party and for making your famous rolls and delicious lemon pudding cake. That may be my new favorite!
