Monday, February 13, 2012

Rant and Rave...24º

It has been awhile since I got on my soap box so I will make this brief and let you read the article Fiber...Just one more way manufactures have figured out how to make money on worthless products by adding the latest buzz word that the "experts" have come up with...Yes fiber is important in our diet and is found naturally in much of our food, but in todays modern world much of the fiber has been stripped to make our food "refined"...So instead of just eating regular food our supermarket shelves are filled with "refined products" that now have been fortified with synthetic fiber additives...Did this all start with "Wonder Bread", that sack of totally worthless white flour, filled with air that replaced the wonderfully grainy, heavy, fiber filled bread of our ancestors?..Sorry I wasn't going to go on and on...Now I'm wondering how much fiber is in the leftover pumpkin pie and apple crisp that I plan on having for breakfast....I put oatmeal in the crisp, that should count for something!.....OWAV:)


  1. Get your fiber where you can. Did you hear "they" are now saying red meat is good for you and we need to add it back to our diets?
