Friday, April 12, 2013


Robins chirping, beautiful sunrise...Looks like a lovely day in Wallowa County...I've been absent for a couple of days and no real excuse, just took a break while I was preparing food for the "Spring Tea" at the Josephy Center...I made lemon bars and mints while others made cucumber, egg salad and smoked salmon sandwiches...Others made cream puffs, cake and cookies for dessert...They made quite a picture as we trimmed crusts and arranged platters full of food.

The Collections Exhibit at the Josephy Center is going great, way more entries than they had anticipated…Seems like people were just waiting for the chance to show off their stuff…The collections are still up and we set up tables in and among for the tea…We served 24 guests + our group and Lyn---31 total I think…Everyone thought the food (furnished by "US") and tea (furnished by Red Horse Cafe) was wonderful….I didn't get photos but think Janie did...I enjoyed visiting with people, some that I haven't seen in a couple of years and also met new people...We were a tired bunch when it was all over but pleased with the result.

Pat, Janie and I have signed up to be Docents at the Josephy Center…So will be taking a turn "tending" the Center from noon to 4pm on days of our choice…They are always looking for more docents.

Yesterday I made clam chowder and rested up...Started a new book "Their Eyes Were Watching God" by Zora Neale Hurston, written in 1937 and most of it in dialect...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

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