Friday, September 2, 2011

Nose to the Grindstone...09/02/11..5am...42°...Sunny

Sauerkraut fermenting
The garden wasn't just calling yesterday, it was screaming...the beets, the green beans, the cabbage and the dill...Harvest time is here...The flower garden is also feeling its pain, it wants to be deadheaded so it can showcase the purples and yellows of fall...Tall golden glow, literally glowing in the morning sunlight, three shades of purple phlox with fragrant white still to bloom..I had choices to make...I wanted to be with the flowers but the pull of the vegetables is stronger...They need attention now and cellar shelves need to be filled!

Dinner was fresh green beans, cole slaw, cucumbers, patty pan squash and a small serving of turkey and noodles from the freezer...All that was missing was a fresh tomato.

I got a call last night that I will have 40 pounds of canning tomatoes delivered this morning, straight from Imnaha...We will feast again today and the tomato roasting will begin...Basil will be harvest, garlic diced, I can smell it all now...aaahhh bruschetta is next---yummy... But first I have beets to pull, beet pickles to make and the rest of the raspberries that Ci and I picked need to be made into jam...Think I will mix them with a few huckleberries, from the freezer.

Blogging must end...The sun is hitting Chief Joseph Mountain and reflecting on the anniversary clock as it rotates...Where is Ginger?..Oh that's right, our girls are back home in Portland, our house is quiet and I have a full day ahead of me...Hugs to all~OWAV:)

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