Sunday, September 23, 2012

Lazy Saturday...50º

Yesterday I had planned to make a double batch of hamburger buns, some for dinner and some for the freezer...That didn't happen...After Herb fixed bacon and eggs for our breakfast, I did usual cleanup, iced my knee and before I knew it afternoon arrived...Pam stopped in after her morning hike and we spent the rest of the day "deck sitting, visiting and eating", something we haven't done much of for the past two years...Pam starts a new job on Monday, maybe one that doesn't demand so much of her time and energy and she can again have time for relaxation, as well as work...We wish her well!

Endless watering for Herb seems to be the norm this fall...Our ditch water is still running and supplies irrigation for our trees, shrub, flowers and garden...Usually by now Herb has started to drain and store hoses and pumps for the winter as fall rains soak deep into the root system and nourish plant life before it goes into its winter dormancy...We have had no measurable rain since early July and although thunder showers are predicted, nothing seems to be coming from the sky...Hopefully we can get the potatoes harvested today and clean other things out of the garden and then give it all a good soaking before planting the garlic.

But before going outside I must start some bread dough, think about what we are having for dinner and also maybe get a pot of beans going for another meal later this week...Wonder if I can wash a couple more windows?..Maybe not I have to remember to ice my knee...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

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