Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Great beginning to our morning...A new cell phone tower has been installed in Wallowa County, so our track phones needed an update...Did that on Friday and had to call back  after 24 hours to see if it actually worked...So at 6am this morning, I was on the phone doing the call back before the lines got too busy...Got right through, piece of cake I thought-WRONG...Mine seemed to be updated but Herbs needed updates to his phone before the other update would work...So an hour later after we had punched in a bajillion numbers, called and woke up our neighbors and friends to make sure it was working, we think our phones are set to go....The company was nice enough to give each of us 60 free minutes for our long wait...And a good day to all of you.... OWAV:)

1 comment:

  1. What a boring morning it would have been if not for technology! =)
